Application Analysis

Application Details

Please provide us with the details for your application, including the:

  • Dimensions of the largest part to be cured
  • Largest desired exposure area
  • Desired rate of production

Curing Requirements

In addition, please provide us with the curing requirements for your UV curable material, including:

  • Wavelength range [nm]
  • Energy [mJ/cm2]
  • Irradiance [mW/cm2]

The curing requirements of the UV material (adhesive, coating, etc.) are typically provided by adhesive manufacturers in their technical data sheet (TDS).

Application Analysis Steps

You can submit your application details and specific requirements using the Application Details form below, contact us by phone at 413.731.7835 or email us at to discuss.

Once we review the details of your UV curing application and compare them with our system specifications, we will provide a system recommendation that best matches your requirements. We also offer free sample testing and/or demo units if needed to further verify compatibility.

Application Details Form

Application Details Form


Application Details

Largest Part to be Cured

For applications requiring curing of parts of different sizes and weights, specify the overall size and weight of the largest part.

The overall size of the part must be specified in order to take into account is physical dimensions, which may differ from the area of exposure to UV-Visible light.
For applications requiring curing of parts of different sizes and weights, specify the overall size and weight of the largest part.
The exposure area refers to the dimensions of the portion of the part directly exposed to the UV-Visible light from a light curing system. This would typically be the size of the area where the UV curable material is located.

Curing Requirements of the UV Curable Material (Adhesive, Coating, Etc.)

The curing requirements of the UV curable material refer to those characteristics of UV-Visible light that are responsible for the activation of photoinitiators, which lead to proper hardening of the material. Three of these characteristics are wavelength range, irradiance and energy, and are typically specified in the UV curable material's technical data sheet.

The wavelength range measured in nanometers (nm), determines which part of the light spectrum is required to activate the photoinitiators. The wavelength range commonly utilized in the curing industry belongs to the UV-Visible portion of the light spectrum. The range of visible light is 400-700 nm. The range of UV light is 200-400 nm. The UV range is further subdivided into three parts: UVA (315-400 nm), UVB (280-315 nm) and UVC (200-280 nm).
Irradiance, sometimes called intensity, is the radiant power (mW) received by a surface per unit area (cm²). In other words, it is the amount of electromagnetic (light) energy (mJ) per unite time (sec), received by the exposed surface of the part per unit area (cm²). Irradiance is typically given in (mW/cm²) and relates to the power of the curing system and the way it focuses its radiant energy on the surface of the part.
Energy, sometimes called a dose or dosage, refers to the amount of electromagnetic (light) energy (mJ) received per unite area (cm²) of the irradiated surface of the part. The energy is typically given in [mJ/cm²] and relates to the amount of time needed to cure the part for a given irradiance.
The rate of production refers to the number of parts produced during a given period of time and helps to determine the required cure time, and whether a conveyor system may be needed.

Application Description and Specific Requirements

A detailed description of the features and specific requirements of your application helps us better understand your needs and offer the best solution.
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